June 2, 2011

I Wanna Riot

Ok, here's the deal. I've kind of lacked inspiration over the past month when it comes to clothes and shoes. There's loads of items that I've found over the net and wanted, though the amount of stores that ship to Jersey cheaply is on the down low. Exhibit A: Rokit charges £18 to ship here as Jersey is classified as International. Understandable as we're an Island, yet depressing. The shops in Jersey are limited for men. Charity Shops and Topman are the only real 'within the budget' stores and they're being unimpressive at the moment.
On the contrary, over the last several days I've had my eyes on a pair of Vans and bought them today as a treat. I've been slightly dubious about the colour (white) as they will, and there's no doubting that, get dirty soon, however I love them!

Leave you with an enjoyable video.
Hope you're all enjoying the half term break/week.

peace out

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