August 28, 2011


It's that time of year, that bank holiday, that festival that gets everyone excited for and talking about.
I've been watching it on TV and am dyeing to go next year so here are some of my favourite moments from this near to ending annual summer duo festival (mainly of Reading).
Hope you're having a wonderful bank holiday weekend with the sun finally out again!

peace out

Jen Long meets the crowd at BBC Introducing.

The Reading crowd gets nostalgic with Pulp on Saturday night

The Reading crowd gets nostalgic with Pulp on Saturday night

The Reading crowd gets nostalgic with Pulp on Saturday night

August 14, 2011


After watching so many programmes and movies that involved men and women dressed head to toe in beige, wearing three quater length trousers and shirts that were unbuttoned at least twice when I was a kid (and I'm not talking about Dora the Explorer who took a talking backpack with her wherever she went or some unrealistic shit like that), my holidays have been somewhat of an adventure. Starting in concrete jungle, Bangkok, then moving onto the jungles of Cambodia and the north of Thailand and soon ending at the beaches of Koh Samui in the south, I feel like I should be wearing a hat with corks on strings on the end of them. Back home in a week and a half in time for results day so I'll leave you with some photos taken on a bog standard digital camera so nothing too interesting but I like the first picture.

Hope you're having a great summer and not stressing out too much about exam results,

peace out

August 2, 2011

summer weekends

(Apologies for the lack of blogging for three weeks!)
Few photos of the other weekend which involved a skating trip and Grassroots, an eco music festival in Jersey. I'm on holiday at the moment and totally jet lagged but I'll keep you updated and take lots of photos. Hope you're all having a wonderful summer and making the most of the sunshine!

peace out